How to improve home cleaning with technology


Technology advancement has brought tremendous changes in home cleaning. It is difficult to list these revolutionary cleaning devices without mentioning a steam cleaner.

Steam Cleaners

Steam cleaners are among top home cleaning solutions today. They are becoming a priority because of their versatility.

steam cleaners a trendy piece of techFor instance, it tends to be difficult to clean your kitchen cabinets with a traditional vacuum cleaner. But with steam cleaners, you can clean your floor, furniture and kitchen surfaces with an appropriate type. Another reason why they are so much liked is their effectiveness.

They are capable of clearing stubborn grease and dust from surfaces by use of vapor only. The hot, dry steam also kills bacteria and other microorganisms that might spread diseases. Contrary to what most people think, these machines don’t use steam as this would rust metallic surfaces in your house with repeated use. The cleaner harnesses dry vapor to clean surfaces.

The build in boiler heats water turning it into 360 degrees F vapor which are forced out through the nozzle.
The nozzle is designed in such a way that you can attach other different equipment depending on the type of surface you want to clean. When the nozzle is directed on the dirty surface, the vapor disintegrates grease, loosened fibers, and other debris and destroys microorganisms.

The best steam cleaners on the market come with a refill tank that enables you to add water periodically while cleaning to replenish the boiler. Better yet, other models come with a detergent tank and steam vacuum enabling you to complete you’re cleaning with cleaning chemicals.

Sonic Scrubber

As the name suggest, it is scrubbing device that performs high speed on almost any type of surface in your house. It has the capability to perform scrubbing chores at 10,000 units in a minute. Furthermore, it is easily customizable, allowing you to attach different purpose defined heads to complete an array of chores.


It would be an essential cleaning solution if you got pets such as cats. It consists of a litter box that cleans itself by blocking the litter.

Clean wave sanitation wand

It keeps your household free from germs by eliminating them with ultraviolet C rays, typical those used in health facilities for sanitation. All you need to do is wave it near the surfaces or rub it on materials, and the job is done.

Smart air purifier

It was introduced by Philip and has remained its exclusive manufacturer. This device sucks every type of bad air in the room including tobacco smoke and pumps out clean air.

Robot vacuum cleaner

iRobot started this idea, but more companies make robotic vacuum cleaners these days. It works much like the typical vacuum cleaner, but it is small and automatic. The device crawls on the floor when you turn it on, and sucks all dust from your tiles, carpets and the general floor surface.

Watch this to know more about a new technology coming out soon:


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